How to Start Your Winter Fitness Routine

How to Start Your Winter Fitness Routine

The start of a new year is a great time to commit to getting more exercise. But the thought of going outside when it’s cold or joining a gym with hundreds of others who also set a New Year’s workout resolution in January can make it harder to get motivated. These tips...
6 Tips for New Year Exercise Resolutions That Stick

6 Tips for New Year Exercise Resolutions That Stick

Every New Year, millions of people start their resolutions by dusting off their sneakers and donning their workout gear for the first time in weeks or even months to transform their fitness and physique. The goals can vary, but one thing stays the same for many...
Breathe Easy: How to Have Healthy Lungs

Breathe Easy: How to Have Healthy Lungs

You probably don’t think about your lungs regularly unless you have a chronic lung condition like asthma or emphysema. But it’s essential not to take healthy lungs for granted. They’re part of a rather complex system that provides your body with the...
How to Reduce Your Chronic Pain Risk

How to Reduce Your Chronic Pain Risk

What is chronic pain? Well, our bodies use pain signals to let our brains know that something is wrong. There are two different types of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain happens suddenly and is usually very sharp—for example, pain from a broken bone, or a cut or...