EHE Exam Q&A (13)

What if I've already had a yearly physical with my primary care physician? Can I still have my EHE Health exam?

It depends on the structure of your company’s health care coverage. We recommend that you visit EHE Health before a yearly physical with your primary care physician because EHE Health provides the most comprehensive preventive care anywhere. We can then refer you for an additional checkup.

How is this different than getting a physical?

EHE Health offers full-scale personalized prevention. Your clinical experience gives you deeper insight into every aspect of your health and the resources to achieve your goals.

A typical physical exam offers only a fraction of the screenings, neglects inputs like behavioral factors, and limits both evaluation and treatment. At EHE Health, the examination is just one part of your holistic, solution-focused preventive program.

What do I need to wear?

Dress in comfortable clothing. Some EHE Health locations offer medical scrubs for you to wear. If you are scheduled for a mammogram, do not apply cream, lotion, talcum powder, or deodorant on your upper body the day of your visit.

When should I show up for my EHE Health exam?

Please arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start of your EHE Health appointment. Arriving late can cause delays.

How are my records handled?

You and your EHE Health physician discuss most of your exam results on the day of your visit. All of your results will be available for viewing through the myEHE patient portal within one to two weeks. We will call you immediately with results that are time-sensitive.

Does my EHE Health physician replace my primary care physician?

No. We complement and enhance your primary care, discussing how behavior impacts your health and prescribing adjustments for healthier living. The approach is unlike primary care. Of course, we will share records with your primary care physician and work with them to ensure you’re at your healthiest. You may also have a primary care physician who’s part of our EHE Health network.

Can EHE Health refer me to specialists?

Yes. If our physician identifies a health concern that requires examination by a specialist, we can coordinate a referral for you. EHE Health can also help you find a primary care physician if you do not have one.

Does EHE Health prescribe medication?

EHE Health physicians do not initiate prescriptions for medications that require follow-up or chronic management. An EHE Health visit is not the same thing as going to a primary care physician. We focus on prevention.

Certain medications may be prescribed. These include antibiotics or antivirals as part of a travel medicine consultation, as well as common preventive health medications such as an epinephrine auto-injector or a refill for combined hormonal contraceptives. Our doctors are all board-certified and can prescribe at their discretion in these cases.

What about follow-up visits?

While most patients are eligible for the full comprehensive health exam once per enrollment period, our physician-led expert medical team and health mentorship program are included in your EHE Health benefit and available as part of your year-round prevention program. You’ll even be able to come back to track your progress with health goals like weight loss or lowering your cholesterol.

Will I be billed for anything EHE Health does?

EHE Health never bills you beyond your insurance plan. Your deductible is not touched, and there are no additional or hidden fees.

Will EHE Health test for anything (such as STIs or drug use) without my consent?

No. Every screening is based on your approval. You can also decline any component of the EHE Health exam you would prefer not to have.

Will my EHE Health records be shared with my employer?

No. Your visit is entirely confidential. Absolutely none of your medical information is shared with anyone but you. You—and only you—have secure access to your records on the myEHE patient portal.